Course Descriptions
ADLL 6113. Advanced Adult Learning Theory (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Advanced study of theories and models of adult and lifelong learning with an emphasis on current trends, recent research, and issues affecting the field. Issues covered will include critical theory and advancements in neuroscience and cognition as they relate to adult learning and lifespan development.
ADLL 6123. Leadership and Ethics in Adult and Lifelong Learning (Irregular). 3 Hours.
This doctoral course focuses on leadership principles and ethical considerations that are critical to developing and sustaining adult education programs that benefit individuals, organizations, and communities. Course content will include case study analysis and lectures from scholar-practitioners from the field.
ADLL 6133. Analysis of International Adult and Lifelong Programs (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Survey of the historical and philosophical events which have shaped adult and lifelong learning worldwide. Discussion of issues affecting adult education and lifelong learning including globalization, educational access, and variance in national policies.
ADLL 6143. Instructional Adaptation and Innovation in Adult and Lifelong Learning (Irregular). 3 Hours.
An overview of teaching and learning methods, styles, and techniques which are applicable when facilitating adult learners across diverse settings. Content to include teaching and learning style assessment, accommodating learning styles, physical and learning disabilities, language differences and cultural norms.
ADLL 6153. Policy and Public Governance of Adult and Lifelong Learning Programs (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Policy analysis and public governance issues in adult and lifelong learning with emphasis on state and federal programs. Discussions of how to evaluate, design, and implement policy focused on promoting adult and lifelong learning activities in a myriad of organizations. Overview of trends and current issues related to policy and public governance of adult and lifelong learning.
ADLL 6173. Current Issues (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Exploration and discussion of current issues relative to adult education and lifelong learning. Focus on the review and application of current research as it relates to practice. May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.
ADLL 6183. Organization Development, Learning, and Change (Sp, Fa). 3 Hours.
Using a system perspective, this course examines the theories and practices associated with organization development, learning and change to understand the dynamic nature of organizational life. This course examines the structural frame, the human resource frame, the political frame, and the symbolic frame that influences organizational behavior and learning. The course investigates strategies and best practices for managing and leveraging this dynamism to build organizational capacity and improve performance.
ADLL 6213. Signature Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning in Community Colleges (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Using a learning-centered change model, this course examines how community colleges can shift from a traditional teaching-centered paradigm to one that is learning-centered. This course examines the context of the learning college, strategic planning for a learning-outcomes approach to governance, the role of student development and technology in the learning college, and implementing and assessing learning-centered strategies.
Textbook(s): McPhail, C. (Ed.). (2005). Establishing & sustaining learning-centered community colleges. Washington, DC: Community College Press.
Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives:
The goal of this course is to familiarize students with processes critical to managing effective organizational change initiatives. The concepts that are covered in the course include: a) the context of the learning college, b) theories that inform the learning-college movement, c) implications for expanding the learning paradigm, e) emerging organizational changes, and f) surviving and sustaining the paradigm shift.
ADLL 6223. Workforce and Community Development (Irregular). 3 Hours.
This course provides an overview of how community colleges influence workforce, economic, and community development through their education missions. The course will examine the community college's expanding role in economic and community development through workforce development programs. Emphasis will be placed on program structure, best practices in program development, and partnerships and collaboration with various stakeholders.
Textbook(s): Rothwell, W. J., & Gerity, P. E. (Eds). (2008). Linking workforce development to economic development: A casebook for community colleges. Washington, DC: American Association of Community Colleges.
Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Explain the role of workforce development programs in community college settings.
- Discuss examples of the type of programs offered, including credit and non-credit programs, customized training, and community education.
- Describe best practices used by workforce development practitioners to identify potential program offerings, assessment needs, and collaborate with stakeholders.
- Analyze cases representing of best practices in community colleges addressing training, small business consulting, career development, community and economic development.
- Develop a proposal for a workforce development initiative.
ADLL 6233. Survey and Significance of the American Community College (Irregular). 3 Hours.
A comprehensive overview of the American community college, its history, its ever-evolving purpose and the challenges it faces. Course content will focus on the administrators and faculty who lead, the students they serve, and components such as developmental education, integrative education and transfer education. Discussion will include occupational and community education and issues related to accountability. Special attention will be paid to how this unique and complex institution remains relevant and significant to the community.
Textbook(s): Cohen, A. M., Brawer, F. B., & Kisker, C. B. (2014). The American Community College (6th ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the comprehensive nature of the American community college and its mission, values, and purposes.
- Describe the significance of the community college at the national and local levels.
- Analyze how the contemporary community college is organized, governed, and financed.
- Discuss the role of various components of the community college including faculty and students, and the services and programs that support its mission.
- Explain the connection between the community college and the field of adult education.
ADLL 6243. Current Trends in Community Colleges (Irregular). 3 Hours.
This course examines environmental factors that influence the organization and administration of community colleges. Trends related to funding, policy, staffing, and workforce development are examined and contextualized to the evolving community college mission.
Textbook(s): The American Community College. Cohen, A., Brawer, F., & Kisker, C. (2014). San Francisco: Wiley.
Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives:
This course is designed to identify strategies that can assist community college leaders to examine environmental factors that influence change within post-secondary education. Special consideration is given to forecasting how emerging socio – political trends might impact the organization and administration of community colleges in the future.
ADLL 6253. Professional Development
This course examines career planning and development, performance management and professional development in various settings. The focus of the course will be on concepts associated with Human Resource Development (HRD) and developing employees within an organization, as well as leading adults in transition in the community and in educational settings through the process of making career decisions.
Textbook(s): Instructor Materials
Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives:
- Describe the theories and concepts that undergird performance management, career planning and development, and professional development in organization and educational settings.
- Apply career development theory and best practices to guide individuals through career action planning.
- Describe the concept of human resource development and its relevance to individual and organization development.
- Evaluate how specific strategies and interventions impact employee performance and enhance leadership capacity
ADLL 6313. Independent Study (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Independent study of topics in adult and lifelong learning.
ADLL 6403. Quantitative Reasoning II for Adult Educators (Fa). 3 Hours.
Introduction to quantitative reasoning for educators and researchers in adult education. Topics include applying the hypothetico-deductive research process, describing data using statistical terminology, building statistical models, presenting data meaningfully, and using SPSS to analyze data from practical research problems.
ADLL 6413. Quantitative Reasoning I in Adult and Lifelong Learning (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Methodologies for designing descriptive, correlational, and experimental studies. Development of research questions, definition of variables, selection or development of instruments, data collection, analysis, interpretation and reporting of research results. Prerequisite: ADLL 6403or ESRM 6403 or equivalent.
ADLL 6423. Qualitative Reasoning in Adult and Lifelong Learning (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Methodologies for designing qualitative research studies in adult and lifelong learning settings. Selection of the appropriate qualitative tradition, selection of research subjects, development of data collection protocols, field work strategies, data analysis, data interpretation and presentation of data results.
ADLL 6433. Program Evaluation (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Overview of evaluation strategies in adult and lifelong learning programs that include: development of evaluation questions, selection or development of instrumentation, data collection methods, data analysis, and reporting of evaluation results. Emphasis on practical and ethical issues associated with evaluation processes. Prerequisite: ADLL 6403 or ESRM 6403 or ADLL 6413 or ADLL 6423, or equivalent.
ADLL 6443. Adult and Lifelong Learning Dissertation Seminar (Irregular). 3 Hours.
Development of dissertation proposal. Formation of research question, selection of methodologies, development of problem statement, research questions, and identification of research variables, constructs of phenomena. Identification of data collection and data analysis procedures. Prerequisite: ADLL 6403 or ESRM 6403 or ADLL 6413 or ADLL 6423 or ADLL 6433, or equivalent.
ADLL 700V. Doctoral Dissertation (Sp, Su, Fa). 1-18 Hour.
Doctoral Dissertation. Prerequisite: Candidacy. May be repeated for degree credit.