Course Rotation

UAConnect has confirmed course schedule information.



  • ADLL 51303 — Curriculum Development in ABE and ASE
  • ADLL 51503 — Organization and Administration of Adult and Lifelong Learning Programs
  • ADLL 51803 — Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning
  • ADLL 51903 — Seminar in Adult and Lifelong Learning
  • ADLL 52203 — Adult and Lifelong Learning Applied Project


Five Week One (May 27th-June 27th)

  • ADLL 51403 — Instructional Strategies and Assessment in Adult Education
  • ADLL 51603 — Managing Change in Adult and Lifelong Learning

Five Week Two (June 30th-August 1st)

  • ADLL 51003 — Diversity and Inclusion in Adult and Lifelong Learning

*ESRM 50103 Research Methods in Education and ESRM 51903 Statistics in Education and Health Professions are offered this summer as ten-week courses. Use ESRM instead of ADLL to search for these courses in UAConnect.


  • ADLL 51103 — Perspectives in Adult Education
  • ADLL 51203 — Principles and Practices of Adult Learning
  • ADLL 51503 — Organization and Administration of Adult and Lifelong Learning Programs
  • ADLL 51703 — Program Planning


Students in the master's degree program in Adult and Lifelong Learning may take 6 hours of elective coursework with the approval of their advisor. These courses may be taken online or in person at the University of Arkansas or a different institution. They must be master's or doctoral level (50000- or 60000-level) courses.

Many students opt to take courses from one of the other online graduate programs at the U of A. Like the ADLL program, many programs partner with the U of A Global Campus to offer courses through Blackboard.

ADLL students take elective courses in programs such as Agricultural and Extension Education, Human Resource Development, Career and Technical Education, Community College Leadership or Higher Education. Many of their courses are offered online.

Check UAConnect to determine when a course is offered. Check also for any prerequisites. As a courtesy, contact the instructor of record to ask permission to register for the course. Instructors are listed with the course they are teaching.

Questions about these programs and/or their courses, and whether they are appropriate for you, should be directed to the course instructor or program coordinator.