Course Descriptions

ADLL 5103 — Diversity and Inclusion in Adult and Lifelong Learning — Broadly explores how diverse populations and contexts influence the facilitation of adult learning. Focuses on the responsibilities of the practitioner to model and foster inclusive practices to enhance educational programs and initiatives across a variety of environments.

  • Recognize the essential and evolving language of diversity and develop an awareness of how it can be used to influence relationships between individuals and groups
  • Articulate the dimensions of diversity, inclusion and equity such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, national origin, and physical and mental ability
  • Analyze the key constructs of diversity including prejudice, bias and discrimination, and reflect on how their own cognition and experiences impact their response to diversity
  • Describe varying perspectives on the importance and implications of diversity, inclusion and equity in adult learning contexts
  • Determine best practices for creating and maintaining positive and equitable learning environments within diverse sociocultural contexts

ADLL 5113 — Perspectives in Adult Education — Historical overview of the evolving field of adult education and lifelong learning in the U.S. Course covers seminal and emerging theorists in the field, roles and responsibilities of adult education providers and reviews the expansion of adult and lifelong learning opportunities associated with societal and demographic shifts.

  • Analyze the importance of adult education to the individual and society
  • Explore the need for adult education at the state, nation and international level
  • Identify issues relative to major providers and program areas, including those which serve multicultural and diverse clienteles
  • Examine major and seminal adult education theorists and their contributions to the field
  • Compare and contrast adult education with other forms of education

ADLL 5123 — Principles and Practices of Adult Learning — Overview of the adult learner including characteristics, motivation for participating in learning and strategies for developing educational programs for diverse adult populations.

  • Describe the characteristics of adult learners
  • Discuss factors affecting motivation for learning among adults in various learning settings
  • Identify and discuss strategies for developing learning programs for adults
  • Analyze, compare and contrast different adult learning theories
  • Differentiate between the use of various adult learning theories for diverse adult populations

ADLL 5133 — Curriculum Development in ABE and ASE — Curriculum development in Adult Basic Education and Adult Secondary Education settings including the various educational functioning levels, measures to asses student levels, selection of teaching materials, and development of curriculum utilizing instructional standards for ABE and ASE programs.

  • Discuss the need and role of ABE and ASE programs in U.S. society
  • Utilize appropriate assessments to determine a student's educational functioning level (EFL) in ABE and ASE settings
  • Evaluate and select appropriate teaching materials for use in ABE and ASE settings
  • Apply appropriate classroom management and teaching techniques such as lecture, group discussion and peer learning when teaching adults in ABE and ASE settings
  • Design and teach lessons in ABE and ASE settings

ADLL 5143 — Instructional Strategies and Assessment in Adult Education — Selection and utilization of materials and instructional methods for use in adult learning settings. Evaluative strategies to develop or select appropriate tools and techniques predicated upon the needs and goals of adult learners.

  • Identify and evaluate teaching skills appropriate in adult and lifelong learning settings
  • Select and critique research that relates to adult and lifelong learning teaching practice
  • Select and evaluate materials for use in adult and lifelong learning contexts
  • Assess learner needs based upon students skills and abilities
  • Develop learning plans based upon the needs and goals of adult learners

ADLL 5153 — Organization and Administration of Adult and Lifelong Learning Programs — Legal, ethical, staffing and financial considerations for the development and implementation of programs for adult and lifelong learners in various programs including literacy centers, GED centers, community education, lifelong/leisure learning and postsecondary education.

  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of an instructional leader in adult and lifelong learning
  • Explore legal and ethical issues related to supervision of instructional and support staff
  • Discuss the practices and procedures for evaluating instructional and support staff
  • Create a financial plan for sustaining an adult education or lifelong learning program

ADLL 5163 — Managing Change in Adult and Lifelong Learning — Strategies for planning, organizing and facilitating change in programs that serve adult learners from diverse populations, across varied developmental stages and geographic locations. Discussion of social change that has impacted adult education and analysis of change models relevant to individuals, groups and organizations.

  • Describe the process of change and the adult educator's role as an agent of change
  • Justify the need for change at the individual, organization and societal level
  • Apply conceptual and theoretical models to the change process
  • Identify and discuss significant research regarding the effect of change on individuals
  • Identify and evaluate elements of social change which have affected adults

ADLL 5173 — Program Planning — Program development process for adult and lifelong learners. Overview of assessment, stakeholder buy-in, developing program objectives, formative and summative evaluation, budgeting and scheduling processes.

  • Explain the role of planning programs in adult and lifelong learning settings
  • Differentiate program needs of adults in multicultural and diverse settings
  • Identify appropriate learning objectives relative to different types of programs for adult learners
  • Determine the resources necessary to implement a program in an adult and lifelong setting
  • Design a program plan for an adult and lifelong learning setting

ADLL 5183 — Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning — Techniques for designing, developing, implementing and assessing technology-mediated adult and lifelong learning programs. Discussion of issues relevant to the use of innovative strategies for delivering instruction via emerging technologies and their potential impact on content and learning outcomes.

  • Identify and describe the types of technology which are appropriate for use in adult and lifelong learning settings
  • Review current research regarding the effectiveness of technology-mediated instruction in adult and lifelong learning settings
  • Interpret and apply policies pertaining to the use of technology (i.e. distance education) in adult and lifelong programs
  • Select technologies which incorporate universal design which addresses learning disabilities and differences for adults from special populations
  • Discuss and examine critical issues that influence the use of technology in adult and lifelong learning
  • Create a technology plan for an adult and lifelong learning setting

ADLL 5193 — Seminar in Adult and Lifelong Learning — Seminars focused on topics related to adult and lifelong learning. Topics include:

  • Grant writing
  • Management in community and nonprofit agencies
  • Adult literacy and numeracy
  • Adult ESL and family literacy
  • Programs for adults with disabilities

ADLL 5213 — Adult and Lifelong Learning Internship — Internship in adult and lifelong learning settings.

ADLL 5223 — Applied Project — Development and implementation of a project focused on adult and lifelong learning. Consent of advisor/instructor required.

  • Identify a problem or an issue that exists within an adult education or lifelong learning setting
  • Research interventions which have been used previously to address similar issues in adult education or lifelong learning settings
  • Develop a plan to address the problem or issue within the adult education or lifelong learning setting
  • Support the components of the plan which are designed to address the problem or issue